Endorsements for Bob Byrd

Karen Howard and Bob Byrd, 2018.

Karen Howard and Bob Byrd, 2018.

“I have had the pleasure of working with former Commissioner Bob Byrd on regional and statewide boards and am happy to endorse him in his race for Alamance County Commissioner. As a member of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, he brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table and was a fierce advocate for our communities. Bob brings a strong sense of compassion for his constituents and an appreciation for the diversity of his community to his role in county government. He is exactly the kind of leader Alamance County deserves.” Karen Howard, Chatham County Commissioner; Member of Board of Directors, NC Association of County Commissioners.

Lisa Marinis and her family, all supportive of Bob.

Lisa Marinis and her family, all supportive of Bob.

“Bob Byrd is the ‘different politician’ we need, a man who actually shows up in support of the folks he represents!!!” Lisa Marinis, 15-year veteran ABSS teacher and ABSS parent